Check out this article by David Walsh:
It’s totally a thing in the web development world.
Check out this article by David Walsh:
It’s totally a thing in the web development world.
If you watch movies and you’re a programmer, you probably have to comment on how bad the interfaces are. Here is a website that makes it easy to hack like a hollywood hacker:
StackOverflow is out with their 2015 Developer Survey. Great data in there, great to see the growth and trends around the world for web developers and developers of all kinds.
This is a big one. This is the big reason (imho) that the user base of the world wants an app for everything. But the web folks are slowly bringing the features of native apps to the web world.
Push notifications will be a big step in making web apps a more acceptable and pleasing solution for clients and users.
It seems like the amount of code you can add to a simple HTML page just keeps growing. But the benefits are great, especially in this age of social sharing being the main way users find and share content. Using the markup listed in this article can help you make your page more visible.
Spending time on improving page load time and app interaction time is super important. How important? Check these stats here:
Managing feature requests is an issue every developer deals with (unless you’ve got a fancy business analyst between you and the client). Rachel Anderson from Perch describes some awesome tips for choosing how to prioritize and code up features.
The most important tip is her first one, figure out what the clients actual issue is, and don’t just code up the solution they come up with.
We’re thinking about implementing Development Core Hours. This article outlines how another company does it:
The concept is awesome since I know I have a ton of little distractions that can happen throughout the day. And when a developer gets out of his train of thought, it can take a good chunk of time to get back into it.
NPR published an intriguing article called “When Women Stopped Coding,” which surprisingly shows that the number of women in programming fields has dropped significantly. You hear so much today about getting kids into coding and girls coding groups, but I feel like a lack of women is coding is a problem from the 90’s, not now.
It’s sad to see this as a growing issue, the programming fields could always benefit from more diversity.
According to W3Tech PHP is used on 82% of websites using server-side programming languages. I had no idea that PHP had such a large market share. In the web development community you hear a decent amount about Rails or Node.
It makes me feel more special and yet less special. The code I write is more maintainable out of the sheer popularity of the language, meaning there are probably more developers who could maintain any projects I write.